
Face pulls muscles worked
Face pulls muscles worked

face pulls muscles worked

Plus, the band forces you to contract your rear deltoids and upper back muscles maximally to complete each repetition. The more you lengthen a band, the more tension it provides, preventing momentum and forcing you to use good technique. Training with resistance bands is also beneficial because of their linear variable resistance (LVR). A resistance band door anchor works well. Second, you can easily attach the band somewhere above your head. You can start with a thin band and gradually increase the tension as you build up your upper back, rear deltoids, and biceps. First, bands come in various tension levels, allowing you to pick the one that best fits your strength level ( 1). Resistance bands are a fantastic option for doing face pulls at home. The good news is that you can also do face pulls at home, even if you don’t have a machine.

face pulls muscles worked

The best place to do face pulls is a cable machine because of the overloading potential, constant tension, and ability to change the pulling angle.


How to perform face pulls at home without a machine? The face pull also works our biceps and brachioradialis, both of which contribute to elbow flexion. The only downside is that face pulls can’t activate our upper back muscles that well since we use much less weight. These muscles contribute to shoulder retraction and help us pull the rope toward our face. Similarly, the middle delts contribute to the movement and provide shoulder stability.įace pulls are also great for training the rhomboids, infraspinatus, and trapezius. The posterior deltoids activate well thanks to their two-fold function (retraction and pulling), leading to remarkable growth. Our rear deltoids assist with shoulder retraction and rotation. The primary muscles that work during a face pull are the middle and rear deltoids. What muscles does the face pull activate? Hold the top position for a moment, engaging your rear deltoids as best as possible.Pull and split the rope so your hands end up on either side of your head. Take a breath and pull the rope toward your face.Engage your abs, stagger your stance, and lean back slightly for balance.Bring your chest out and shoulder blades back.With your arms straight, take a step back to lift the weight off its stack.Grab the rope with both hands and have your thumbs facing the ceiling.

face pulls muscles worked

  • Attach a rope in the high position of the cable machine.

  • Face pulls muscles worked